How To: Pattern vs Reality 6: The Woobles Miffy Tulip

woobles tulip

Amy Reviews Crochet Patterns: The Woobles Miffy Tulip

The Woobles Miffy Crochet Kit
Link to Pattern: Miffy Tulip Crochet Kit | The Woobles
Cost of Kit: $7

In my first review of the Woobles Narhwal, I discussed The Woobles, so head on over there if you want my take on the company’s products. This tulip came as part of a set with Miffy, which I reviewed last week.

Difficulty: Beginner+. I wouldn’t do this as your very first project, but as one of your early projects it works. The Woobles states on its website that accessories are not designed for learning, and I think that’s true. I found this one difficult relative to the experience I had when I started.

Stitches Used: ch, single crochet, increase, slip stitch, double crochet, half double crochet
Time Taken: 3 hours
Kid-Friendly: Absolutely. You’ll want to supervise some of the sewing.

Pattern vs Reality:

I was not experienced enough yet with tension to do half double crochets (HDC) and double crochets (DC) reliably. It shows with the random hole I have for one of the leaves. But, it was good practice for when I eventually had to do a lot of them for later projects. Both stitches are frequently used in flower patterns, and most intermediate or advanced patterns.

Amy’s Accuracy Rating: Accurate. No mistakes.
Amy’s Pattern Writing Rating: 10/10. Easy to follow; not confusing.

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