How to: Crochet vs Reality 19: Crochet Ice Cream Cone (Free)

Crochet ice cream is such a fun way to enjoy summer, and a quick treat for kids. In this review, I take a look at Hello Yellow Yarn’s free ice cream cone pattern. Ice Cream Cone – Free Pattern (

This pattern is cute, quick, and easy. If you’re trying to make a lot of items in bulk this summer, either for a market or as a birthday party favor, this pattern should be your go to. As with most free patterns, there are only photos of the finished product and not the steps in-between, but the pattern is still pretty simple.

However, there are certain ways this is written that might trip some beginners to pattern reading, so here are some of my notes:

Difficulty: Beginner-friendly
Rating: Highly recommend

“sc inc in every 2nd stitch” = (sc, inc) around. For round 3 of the ice cream, this is (sc, inc) X6.

“sc inc in every 3rd stitch = (sc, sc, inc). This can also be written as (sc 2, inc).
“sc inc in every 4th stitch” = (sc, sc, sc, inc). This can also be written as (sc 3, inc).

“dec in every 3rd stitch” = (sc, sc, dec). This can also be wwritten as (sc 2, dec).

“work even” = sc all the way around

“3 hdc and sc* in each stitch (skipping a stitch each time after *).” = Work 3 half double crochet stitches and the single crochet all into one stitch (so there should be 4 stitches into one stitch). Then skip a stitch (literally just don’t work into it and move onto the next stitch). Repeat all the way around. This creates the nice wavey shape at the bottom of the scoop.

For this pattern, I chose to skip joining and just do continuous spirals for the ice cream cone, and found that worked just fine. This means I ignored the “sl st to join round” direction completely. I know how to do it, but it can create a slight seam (demo photos usually put it in the back), so preferred the spiral look.

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